Tamyra Howser

Vice President for College Advancement

Tamyra Howser
Email thowser@faithfulwebdesign.net
OfficeBldg. 6 Rm: 105
Dept.Marketing & Communications

About me

I lead a small and mighty team of marketing and communication professionals, where we work collaboratively together to share the story of Tacoma Community College. We direct TCC's brand, logo guidelines, social media platforms, website, public relations, internal communications, media support, video and marketing. We drive and support TCC's mission, goals and strategic communication objectives for the success of students and our community. And, we love to share the stories of the terrific work that takes place here at TCC. You could say we are a proud, fun, hard-working and creative bunch of folks.  


Academic Credentials

  • MA, Communication & Leadership Studies, Gonzaga University
  • BA, Journalism, University of Oregon
  • AA, Portland Community College 

Professional Affiliations

  • PRSA
  • PRSA South Sound
  • IABC
  • AAJA, Alumnus


Image of campus commons

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